2022 is here, and I’ve got some fantastic tips to jumpstart your new body, giving you more energy and improved health.

1. Drinking water on an empty stomach.  Drinking 20 to 30 ounces of water first thing in the morning is a great way to kickstart metabolism and flush toxins out of your system. This will also kickstart your hydration which is linked to hundreds of other benefits.

2. Taking short walks after meals. Walking for 10 to 15 minutes after meals is a great way to aid in digestion and to make sure your body uses nutrients and will not store calories as body fat. This will also help you reach your goal for cardiovascular exercise for the week, which is crucial in any health and fitness program.

3. Make sure you consume a Protein at every meal. Proteins and amino acids are crucial for building and maintaining muscle, repairing bone, hair and skin, and making sure you have enough energy. Some common foods that contain proteins are: eggs, chicken, fish, turkey, lean red meat and lean pork, nuts, legumes, and vegetables.

Taking the small steps will help you live a higher quality of life and give you more longevity. These tips are a great start to any health and fitness program.

Here at Ted Hale fitness we can help you improve in all of these areas and also elaborate on each one of them. Reach out today for more fitness and health information and to get started on a fully detailed program individualized for you, so you can get into that new body, have more energy and improve your health.

Call today at (201) 650-9474 or contact me. Happy new year to all of you!

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